Saturday, February 28, 2015

A Scratch Project for Drawing Tangrams and Compound Figures

Here is my Scratch project that draws two sample tangrams and the compound figures from this assignment (using Pro-Bots) created for grade 5 students.

I have created 5 different procedures for drawing the 5 components of the tangram. Please note that this is just one way of coding the figures; there are multiple correct ways of writing the programs for the same.

The functions (procedures) that are used for drawing the various polygons in the tangram can be found under the blocks titled:
  • parallelogram
  • square
  • largeTriangle
  • medTriangle
  • smallTriangle

The functions (procedures) for the compound figures that use the square and the triangle can be found under the blocks titled:
  • Square+Triangle
  • Square+Triangle_2

The functions (procedures) for the compound figures using the parallelogram and the small triangles can be found under the blocks titled:
  • TriParall_1
  • TriParall_2

I have given the code for two tangrams here as samples: one is the Monk with No Foot from the famous "Two Monks Paradox" and the other is a tangram for a House. The functions (procedures) for these can be found under the blocks titled:
  • MonkNoFoot
  • HouseTangram

Note:   The various dimensions in the assignment for Pro-Bot have been multiplied by a factor of 10 in my Scratch project, as we are dealing with pixels here and not centimeters, as in the case of Pro-Bot. 

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