Monday, July 28, 2014

Repeat Loops in Pro-Bot: Assignment 1

(1)  Using Pro-Bot, trace the pattern for a set of stairs that looks like the following. Each step is 6 cm tall and 6 cm wide. Do you see a pattern in this figure that keeps repeating? Circle the repeating pattern. Can you write a program for Pro-Bot to draw this pattern using Repeat Loops? Assume Pro-Bot is facing forward starting at the base of the steps.

(2)  Using Pro-Bot, trace the following pattern. Each side of the figure measures  6 cm each.  Do you see a pattern in this figure that keeps repeating? Circle the repeating pattern. Can you write a program for Pro-Bot using Repeat Loops to draw this pattern? Assume Pro-Bot is facing forward at the start point on the left end.

(3)  Using Pro-Bot, trace the following pattern. Each short side of the figure measures  6 cm each. The longer sides are 12 cm each. Do you see a pattern in this figure that keeps repeating? This is a bit more tricky than the previous two figures. Circle the repeating pattern that you identified. Can you write a program for Pro-Bot using Repeat Loops to draw this pattern? 

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